Hi everyone,

@Matthew and @Simon Thanks for your answers!

> I assume you are trying to work
> around the cross join of multiple table annotations?

This is correct.

> There's tickets tracking adding subquery support to aggregate functions but
> using subqueries doesn't seem to be necessary here?

Does this mean I can’t use subqueries in aggregate right now? (Doesn’t seem to 
be the case because when I replace the filter in my code below with the 
commented filter, the query produces expected results so far.) I had a look at 
following ticket but it seems to be another case:

Add support for aggregation through subqueries

> You may want to consider conditional expressions (Case … When) to achieve 
> your goal.
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/models/conditional-expressions/ 
> <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/models/conditional-expressions/>
These functions attracted my attention when I was looking for a solution for 
the described exception. I want to try to adjust my query and use them. (But I 
thought that what I found is a bug. Therefore, I decided to write this e-mail.) 
I will see if conditional expressions help.

I actually didn’t want to bother you with the current code of my complete query 
but I should probably send it to you to understand why I use subqueries and 
filters that way. However, I’m not experienced with votes and such complex 
queries and there might be a better solution. But I didn’t want to ask you to 
take this work.

This subquery is also used in other queries. Therefore, I placed it in a 

def get_vote_subquery(role, user=None):
    filter_fields = {'role': role}
    if user:
        filter_fields.update({'user': user})
    subquery = Subquery(
        .annotate(sum=Sum('value', filter=Q(**filter_fields)))
    return subquery

The following code is slightly simplified. I didn’t manage to get the necessary 
data with one query so far. (I’ll use Redis in the future to get the votes. 
Therefore, it doesn’t have to be the most effective query for now).

    def table_of_contents(self):
        if self._table_of_contents:
            return self._table_of_contents

        # Objects
        headings = list(

        # Translation state (aggregation because annotation not possible)
        aggregates = {}
        required = REQUIRED_APPROVALS[self.language]
        for i, h in enumerate(headings, start=1):
            filters = {'position__gte': h['position']}
                filters['position__lt'] = headings[i]['position']
            except IndexError:
                # The last item
            aggregates['translation_done_{}'.format(i)] = Count(
                'progress',  # this is a field of the model
                # filter=Q(**filters),
                filter=Q(**filters) & (
                    | Q(reviewers_vote__gte=1)
            aggregates['review_done_{}'.format(i)] = Count(
                # filter=Q(**filters),
                filter=Q(reviewers_vote__gte=required['reviewer'], **filters),
            aggregates['trustee_done_{}'.format(i)] = Count(
                # filter=Q(**filters),
                filter=Q(trustees_vote__gte=required['trustee'], **filters),
        aggregates = (

        # Assign some values
        for i, h in enumerate(headings, start=1):
                h['segments'] = headings[i]['position'] - h['position']
            except IndexError:
                # The last item
                h['segments'] = self.segments_count - h['position'] + 1
            h['translation_done'] = aggregates['translation_done_{}'.format(i)]
            h['review_done'] = aggregates['review_done_{}'.format(i)]
            h['trustee_done'] = aggregates['trustee_done_{}'.format(i)]
        self._table_of_contents = headings
        return self._table_of_contents



> Am 06.12.2018 um 06:37 schrieb Simon Charette <charett...@gmail.com>:
> Hello Daniel,
> It's hard to tell was causes the exception without digging a bit more but
> based on your mention of multiple sums I assume you are trying to work
> around the cross join of multiple table annotations?
> I understand you simplified your query but from what I can see right now
> it can be expressed as
> commens_count = Comment.objects.annotate(
>     votes_count=Count('votes', filter=votes_filter),
> ).filter(
>     votes_count__gte=4
> ).count()
> That should result in
>     SELECT 1
>     FROM comment
>     LEFT OUTER JOIN vote ON (vote.comment_id = comment.id 
> <http://comment.id/>)
>     GROUP BY comment.id <http://comment.id/>
>     HAVING COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE ...) > 4
> )
> There's tickets tracking adding subquery support to aggregate functions but
> using subqueries doesn't seem to be necessary here?
> Cheers,
> Simon
> Le mercredi 5 décembre 2018 19:16:30 UTC-5, Daniel Gilge a écrit :
> Hi,
> I think I've found a bug. But I'm not sure and I never opened a ticket for 
> Django before. So, I first wanted to ask here.
> I'm using Django 2.0 and this doesn't work:
> subquery = Subquery(
>     Vote.objects
>     .filter(comment=OuterRef('pk'))
>     .values('value')[:1]
> )
> Comment.objects.annotate(vote=subquery).aggregate(
>     count=Count('vote', filter=Q(vote__gte=4)),
> )
> It results in a quite useless AssertionError:
> django/db/models/expressions.py
>     168 
>     169     def set_source_expressions(self, exprs):
> --> 170         assert len(exprs) == 0
>     171 
>     172     def _parse_expressions(self, *expressions):
> AssertionError:
> Vars:
> exprs 
> [Ref(__col8, Col(U0, myapp.Vote.comment))]
> self  
> <django.db.models.expressions.Subquery object at 0x1080077b8>
> It probably doesn't make sense because I simplified it. Why I'm using 
> subqueries is that I have several sums involved in the query:
> subquery = Subquery(
>     Vote.objects
>     .filter(comment=OuterRef('pk'))
>     .values('comment_id')
>     .annotate(sum=Sum('value', filter=Q(**filter_fields)))
>     .values('sum')[:1]
> )
> However, what I had to remove is a filter statement and then it works:
> Comment.objects.annotate(vote=subquery).aggregate(
>     count=Count('vote'),
> )
> Any advice appreciated!
> -- 
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