Maybe it's just me, but I had a report I was generating that took 3.5 minutes 
to complete that utilized for loops and the ORM.  I managed to generate the 
same report in 18 seconds using a RawSQL query.
So what's the upside?  Speed.  I would understand if the times were comparable, 
but they're not.
I find myself becoming more and more blocked by the limited functionality of 
the ORM in this regard.  Perhaps it's just my application--maybe Django isn't 
the best fit for it.

But if in your use case, you had a million records in which you were trying to 
filter by age using Python loops, I have a suspicion that it would be slower 
than using the database functions that Django does include.  (Saying that, I 
would like to see the Django community make a greater attempt to making those 
functions more pythonic.)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Melvyn Sopacua
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: SQL select statements to Django ORM

On maandag 14 mei 2018 15:38:01 CEST Matthew Pava wrote:
> You could use the ORM to get the difference of two dates like so:
> Person.objects.annotate(age=ExpressionWrapper(Cast(Now(), DateField()) 
> - F('dob'), output_field=DurationField())) 
> ast 
> ow

Sure, but what's the upside? The downside is that your objects are bigger, more 
data transferred from db to python layer, more complex query.

What I'm trying to conveigh here, is not to shoehorn the ORM into your notion 
of SQL, but to think in models, model fields, object properties and model 

There will be times where the ORM needs help from SQL, but pick your battles.
Melvyn Sopacua

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