You can use Raw SQL expressions 
only for the custom field which you want to annotate.

date_of_birth, curdate())))

On Sunday, May 13, 2018 at 4:44:37 AM UTC+3, Gerald Brown wrote:
> As I have said previously, I am new to Django ORM so I would like to know 
> howto/find reference to Django ORM Query to the following SQL Select 
> statements:
> 1. From Mariadb. 
> SELECT name, date_of_birth, *TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,date_of_birth,'2014-08-02'/or 
> curdate())* AS age FROM some table.
> 2. General SQL statement
> SELECT field1, field2, field10 from some table
> 3. How to see all of the data from those statements which SQL shows me. 
> I have read (several times) the documentation @ 
> They show numerous 
> examples of Queries but none of them show the results from those queries.
> When I do get results to show ONLY the fields that are in my __str__ 
> statement show up. If I add additional fields they also
> show up in my FK list, which I don't want.
> Thanks for all previous help from this group.

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