The view being shown when using Sphinx on a Django site is: 


The beginning of my is:

import os

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect 

from django.urls import reverse 

from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect 

from django.utils import timezone

from . forms import PlayForm, RollForm, checkBoard, BossForm

from random import randint 

from . templatetags.playExtras import translateDice 

from .models import Board, Winner, Boss

def getFirstFolder(req):

    """ return the string between first two / - this is a hack, find out 
how to do it with the object """

    r = req.split("'")

    loc = r[1].find('/',1)

    x = r[1][1:loc]


def loadBoard(request,context,location=''):

    ''' Load the board from the database into context. Add a hyperlink for 
available squares.

    :param context: context for template

    :type context: dictionary

    :param location: Comma seperated string of available locations or empty 
string so no links included.

    :type location: str

    :return: 'not on the board' or 'all taken' or comma seperated string of 
location options such as 'A0,B0'

    :rtype: str    


    req = request.__str__()

I was getting errors if I didn't show Sphinx where the Python was located. 
The path additions I made in the Sphinx's are:

ourPaths = [
for p in ourPaths:
    abspath = os.path.abspath('.')  + p
    sys.path.insert(0, abspath)
# Need to point to where the Django is on this system. FIND OUT HOW TO MAKE 

The views.rst file I'm using: 

views module

.. automodule:: views

I searched for days but I'm afraid I do not know the right terms search for 
to find the answer. I posted on stackoverflow for a couple weeks and no 
responses at all. 

I'm okay with the other code showing up, but I'd need to see my code in the 
manual as well.

Thank you for any help you can give. 

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