Well the silence was stunning, so I pottered along and have a working 
solution. Alas I lean on a raw() call which I'd rather not. If there is any 
way to do this in the ORM I'd love to know. Otherwise I'm probably off to 
submit it as a feature request. The Window functions will all suffer this 
utility problem, that to use them meaningfully it may often be necessary to 
nest SELECTs. Here's a working neighbour fetcher:

def get_neighbor_pks(model, pk, filterset=None, ordering=None):
    Given a model and pk that identify an object (model instance) will, 
given an ordering
    (defaulting to the models ordering) and optionally a filterset (from 
url_filter), will
    return a tuple that contains two PKs that of the prior and next 
neighbour in the list
    either of all objects by that ordering or the filtered list (if a 
filterset is provided) 
    :param model:        The model the object is an instance of
    :param pk:           The primary key of the model instance being 
    :param filterset:    An optional filterset (see 
    :param ordering:     An optional ordering (otherwise default model 
ordering is used). See: 
    # If a filterset is provided ensure it's of the same model as specified 
    if filterset and not filterset.Meta.model == model:
        return None    
    # Get the ordering list for the model (a list of fields
    # See: 
    if ordering is None:
        ordering = model._meta.ordering
    order_by = []
    for f in ordering:
        if f.startswith("-"):

    # Define the window functions for each neighbour    
    window_lag = Window(expression=Lag("pk"), order_by=order_by)
    window_lead = Window(expression=Lead("pk"), order_by=order_by)

    # Get a queryset annotated with neighbours. If annotated attrs clash 
with existing attrs an exception 
    # will be raised: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11256    
        # If a non-empty filterset is supplied, respect that
        if filterset and filterset.filter:
            qs = filterset.filter() | model.objects.filter(pk=pk).distinct()
        # Else we just use all objects
            qs = model.objects
        # Now annotate the querset with the prior and next PKs
        qs = qs.annotate(neighbour_prior=window_lag, neighbour_next=
        return None
    # Finally we need some trickery alas to do a query on the queryset! We 
can't add this WHERE
    # as a filter because the LAG and LEAD Window functions fail then, they 
are emoty because 
    # there is no lagger or leader on the one line result! So we have to 
run that query on the 
    # whole table.then extract form the result the one line we want! Wish I 
could find a way to 
    # do this in the Django ORM not with a raw() call.    
    ao = model.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM ({}) ao WHERE {}=%s".format(str(qs
.query), model._meta.pk.name),[pk])
    if ao:
        return (ao[0].neighbour_prior,ao[0].neighbour_next)
        raise None   

On Wednesday, 14 March 2018 06:28:55 UTC+11, Bernd Wechner wrote:
> Hmmm, really stuck on this. Can find no way of selecting from a select in 
> the ORM. The whole premise seems be to start from model.objects and add SQL 
> clauses with filter, annotate and other methods. But a QuerySet is not a 
> model and queryset.objects doesn't exist, and queryset.filter just adds a 
> where clause to the select on the original model not on the result of the 
> queryset. It's almost as if we need a way to cast a queryset as a virtual 
> model in the style of:
> def get_prior(model, pk):
>     # Get the ordering list for the model (a list of fields
>     # See: 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/models/options/#ordering
>     ordering = model._meta.ordering
>     order_by = []
>     for f in ordering:
>         if f.startswith("-"):
>             order_by.append(F(f[1:]).desc())
>         else:
>             order_by.append(F(f).asc())
>     my_queryset = model.objects.annotate(prior=Window(expression=Lag("pk"
> ), order_by=order_by))
>     my_result = Model(my_queryset).objects.filter(pk=pk)
> That last line is the crux of the issue.I see no way of writing this. When 
> doing this:
>     my_result = my_queryset.filter(pk=pk)
> The WHERE clause ends up on the select in in my_querset. we want to wrap 
> the whole of my_queryset with 
> select * from my_queryset where pk=pk
> But how? Can anyone think of a way to do that?
> Regards,
> Bernd.
> On Monday, 12 March 2018 23:43:33 UTC+11, Bernd Wechner wrote:
>> OK Trying to implement this now and has SQL that works but can't work how 
>> to use the Django ORM to produce it. Here is the proforma SQL:
>> FROM (
>>         SELECT id, LAG(id, 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) 
>> AS prior, LEAD(id 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS next
>>         FROM <mytable>
>>       ) result
>> WHERE id=<myid>;
>> There's a sub query involved (as LAG and LEAD don't work if you constrain 
>> the inner query alas. And I've used SubQuery in Django before but not like 
>> this, (in the FROM clause), and am a tad stuck. Can anyone code this sort 
>> of query up in the Django ORM with QuerySets.
>> I can create the inner set.
>> result = model.objects.annotate(prior=Window(expression=Lag("pk"), 
>> order_by=order_by)).annotate(next=Window(expression=Lead("pk"), order_by=
>> order_by))
>> Now the question is how to filter() the result of that, rather than that 
>> itself ;-). If that makes sense. Namely the aforementioned SQL. Any 
>> filter() I add to the end of this ORM QyerySet produces SQL more like
>> SELECT id, LAG(id, 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS prior, 
>> LEAD(id 1) OVER (ORDER BY <an order_by expression>) AS next
>> FROM <mytable>
>> WHERE id=<myid>;
>> In with prior and next are empty, because that's just how such SQL works 
>> it seems. do the WHERE on the table produced by the SELECT/FROM as per SQL 
>> above to make this work.
>> Regards,
>> Bernd.

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