On 24/08/2016 5:42 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
I want to track django projects with subversion. (Single developer, local,
so svn is better suited than the distributed git and mercurial.) I'd like
advice on how to lay this out vis-a-vis the django layout.

I use svn too. I hope git is a passing fad.

My entire project is in trunk and I always deploy to the staging server directly from trunk

I work on the project in the "mike" branch and that's what is used by the dev server

I merge from mike into trunk and test before deploying to staging

When comfortable, I make a tag with the version number and deploy it to production via a script on the production server which exports the named tag

My svn server is online so other devs can have their own branches. You can branch trunk any time to work on a specific feature and merge it back or discard as desired. I frequently branch from mike and so on.

I have the mike branch in a couple of virtualenv directories (for pythons 2 and 3) and trunk lives in its own directory with py2.7 because both servers run 2.7 (which has to stop before I go mad - gotta get to 3.x exclusively).

I never work on trunk directly but always on a branch and merge that in for testing in trunk. If testing throws up a problem I revert the merge and go back to work in the branch.



  Project overall root is ~/development/crm-project. This directory

Makefile  README  crm-project/  docs/  manage.py* requirements.txt

  The top-level project directory is the same-named crm-project, and this

__init__.py   __pycache__/  settings.py   urls.py
__init__.pyc  crm/          settings.pyc  wsgi.py

  The app directory is crm/.

  So, where should I place trunk/, tags/, and branches/ be created? If
they're in the overall project root (~/development/crm-project/) should I
then move that directory's contents into the newly made trunk/ subdirectory?

  I find nothing in my web searches for using svn with django. Perhaps my
web foo is insufficient.


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