I would add a +1 for git, I started off with svn and switched to git, branching 
and merging is much easier which really helps when you want to test ideas.


> On Aug 23, 2016, at 5:22 PM, Gergely Polonkai <gerg...@polonkai.eu> wrote:
> Hello,
> the fact you develop alone doesn't make SVN a better choice than Git, 
> Mercurial, or any other distributed version control. But as you already made 
> your choice, here are my two cents.
> You should put all the stuff under trunk/, so it becomes trunk/manage.py, 
> trunk/crm/, etc. If you are developing for multiple customers, the branches 
> and tags directory may come in handy later. Also, it's nothing but naming 
> convention: you can call these directories dog/, Pete/, and ananas/. But 
> that’s more for a Subversion user list, not Django.
> On the other hand, you definitely should choose a distributed version control 
> if you are working alone. For example, Git, Mercurial and Fossil repositories 
> are self contained, which means the whole development history is located 
> right where you work. If you decide to publish (or just backup) your work, 
> all you need to do is to add a new remote. With SVN, it's hard to publish 
> somewhere else than before (read: it’s a real PITA to migrate SVN history 
> from one server to another).
> Best,
> Gergely
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016, 21:42 Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>    I want to track django projects with subversion. (Single developer, local,
> so svn is better suited than the distributed git and mercurial.) I'd like
> advice on how to lay this out vis-a-vis the django layout.
>    Project overall root is ~/development/crm-project. This directory
> contains:
> Makefile  README  crm-project/  docs/  manage.py*  requirements.txt
>    The top-level project directory is the same-named crm-project, and this
> contains:
> __init__.py   __pycache__/  settings.py   urls.py
> __init__.pyc  crm/          settings.pyc  wsgi.py
>    The app directory is crm/.
>    So, where should I place trunk/, tags/, and branches/ be created? If
> they're in the overall project root (~/development/crm-project/) should I
> then move that directory's contents into the newly made trunk/ subdirectory?
>    I find nothing in my web searches for using svn with django. Perhaps my
> web foo is insufficient.
> Rich
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