On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 21:28:21 +0000, Bill de hOra wrote:

> Hey,
> I know Django has solid i18n support for templates/strings and content 
> negotiation in the request. But I was wondering how people are going 
> about managing translations of content or having a multilingual website 
> - eg supporting features like "read this in newspeak", or "browse this 
> site in klingon". More realistic examples would be Wikipedia or Plone's 
> ability to set the portal language.
> There's no direct support for this kind of thing in the core (that's 
> afaik, I haven't been following the trunk in the last couple of months). 
> And, if there's no standard patterns or models for this, is this worth 
> thinking about at as an extension app? In my part of the world, being 
> able to run a multilingual site is often a 'checkbox' requirement.
> cheers
> Bill
>From the time I got involved in creating Web sites, I have always
been working on multilingual sites. It has always been the most complex
part of the job, so I'm interested in a solid, simpler Django solution.
I'm sure it's a thought that many developers often had on their mind, so I
believe that there is a need, but I'm not sure if a framework should
provide a solution, or that a solution should be found by developers
themselves. It could be easier if there was one built into the framework,
but if it happens, I think it should be optional.

Could this app be connected to content_type in a way that comments are?

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