I'm having trouble deciphering what a APPMODULE is: 

What does Module_Name and Variable_NAME refer to in the context of a Django 
project named "stats"?


On Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 1:02:59 PM UTC-7, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
> Hi Hugo, 
> > I keep hearing that Django deployment is unnecessarily difficult. 
> Who says this? And what are the reasons they give for it? 
> > For a website with very little traffic, and for somebody who's new to it 
> all, what is the best way to deploy? And how should I go about deploying! 
> I can tell you how I do it, which is not necessarily the simplest way nor 
> especially suited to low traffic. But it's not that hard. On the server 
> machine, I install nginx, gunicorn, django and supervisor. Nginx will be 
> the frontend, gunicorn will be the webserver, django is the application 
> server, and supervisor will be used to start/stop/restart the web 
> application. 
> I basically did the same as Shawn. In my supervisord.conf I have these 
> lines: 
>   [program:myapp] 
>   command=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn myapp.wsgi -b 
>   directory=/wwwapp/myapp/my 
>   environment=PATH="%(ENV_PATH)s:/usr/local/bin" 
>   user=root 
>   autostart=true 
>   autorestart=true 
>   stdout_logfile=NONE 
>   stderr_logfile=NONE 
> I also wrote a blog article about this subject: 
> http://www.michielovertoom.com/freebsd/flask-gunicorn-nginx-supervisord/ 
> which uses Flask as an example, but as Shawn said, it's easy to plug in 
> your Django app instead. 

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