> I think what you want is something like:
> # team URL's
> url(
>     regex=r'organization/(?P<organization_pk>\d+)/team/',
>     view=include('project.teams.urls', namespace='organization-team',
> app_name='team'),
> ),
> # competition team listing - project.competitions.urls
> url(
>     regex=r'^(?P<competition_pk>\d+)/team/',
>     view=include('project.teams.urls', namespace='competition-team',
> app_name='team'),
> ),

I also believe this is correct.

> Did you follow the example at
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/http/urls/#id4?

I had circled back around to that page several times in the past and
couldn't grasp the concept of how the internals made the determination of
which instance namespace to use. Then, given your answer above, I re-read
it again and saw this:

Using this setup, the following lookups are possible:

If one of the instances is current - say, if we were rendering the detail
page in the instance 'author-polls' - 'polls:index' will resolve to the
index page of the 'author-polls' instance; i.e. both of the following will
result in "/author-polls/".


That's exactly the behavior I need. I think this is one of those cases
where I zoomed in on an issue a little too far (been working on this for
several months on/off for a personal project).

However, I still think I'll need to change my URL structure up a bit.
Assuming I implement as stated above, I'll then have two different
signatures for the same namespace ({% url 'team:detail' org_pk %} and {%
url 'team:detail' org_pk comp_pk %}), which I think was part of the problem
as to why I couldn't grasp the application namespace. It also means I would
need to determine the signature I need to use ahead of time , which makes
this question moot since I can add other logic to generate the correct URL.
I have a custom row-level permission system and heavy view/model
inheritance in play as well (a majority of my CBV's are literally a single
line to specify the permission needed), and I was using that to pull in
information needed for permission checks from the URL kwargs before wasting
time rendering, but I believe I can pull in the necessary bits from a
simplified URL structure with a little bit of extra effort spent inspecting
the primary object in question.

Thank you for the enlightenment. I think this is my first question post,
but watching threads to/from others has definitely helped immensely on
other topics.


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