Hello all,

I have an issue that I've been trying to work around in a generic fashion
(so that I'm not repeating myself in views/templates). Let's say I have
three models:
# models
class Organization(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=False, blank=False,

class Team(models.Model):
    organization = models.ForeignKey(Organization, null=False)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=250)

class Competition(models.Model):
    organization = models.ForeignKey(Organization, null=False)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    teams = models.ManyToManyField(Team, related_name='competitions')

And this basic URL structure:

# urls

# organization URL's
    view=include(organization_urlpatterns, namespace='organization'),

# team URL's
    view=include('project.teams.urls', namespace='team'),

# competition URL's
    view=include('project.competitions.urls', namespace='competition'),

# competition team listing - project.competitions.urls
    view=include('project.teams.urls', namespace='team'),

In this (simplified version of my) application, a Team is a member of an
Organization. Competitions are created within the Organization, and will
have one or more Teams associated with them. Teams can be associated with
multiple Competitions, but not with multiple Organizations.

Focusing on Teams specifically, there are two URL's/views that can be used
to view a Team. One from the perspective of an Organizatoin (where you can
see all of the teams associated with an Organization), and one within the
context of a Competition, where you can see a list of Teams filtered
specifically for that Competition.

Here's my dilemma. I need to generate various links to get to other parts
of the application, but if the user is working within the 'context' of a
competition (adding/removing teams, etc.), then I need the links for
objects to be relative to the Competition that they are working on. For
example, a link to 'list all teams' in the Organization context should list
all of the teams within an Organization, but should be limited to the
associated teams in a Competition context (using the term context
generally, not referring to a template context).

Normally I would use something like get_absolute_url() on the model, but
the model object has no concept of the 'context' of where/how it is being
modified, so get_absolute_url() would unconditionally return the URL as if
it were being viewed at an Organizational level, meaning that all of the
links would take the user out of the context where they were expecting, and
force them to navigate back into it.

I have several other models that need to follow a similar URL scheme, so
something generic would be appreciated.

I have a sneaking suspicion that utilizing app_name within the URL's could
be beneficial, but I can't seem to grasp the concept of how to properly use
an app_name with URL's, and have it apply to my situation (I'm already
using instance namepaces, which have been working out peachy so far). It'd
be nice to just have 'team:create' as the namespace and have Django
automagically determine whether or not it should stay within the
Comeptition context. The other wrinkle in this is that any operations
performed in the Competition context currently require an extra kwarg
(competition_pk) to specify what Competition is in use, whereas both URL's
are already aware of the Organization (organization_pk). I'm open to
reworking the URL structure if someone can point me in the right direction
and that is the only hurdle.

What URL resolution strategies would be appropriate in this situation?

Thank you in advance,


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