Hi Gergely,

On 03/24/2015 04:27 AM, Gergely Polonkai wrote:
> I have a pretty extended test suite for my application, which can run
> for about 15 minutes. Now when I introduce an error, I will be notified
> of it pretty late, and a one-liner fix needs another 15 minutes to
> check. Of course if only one of my tests fail, I can add the name of the
> test case as a parameter to manage.py test, but in case of many failures
> it’s pretty hard to do the same.
> Is there a way to run only the tests that failed last time, even if I
> have to install a separate app/module for that? A quick Google search
> gave me no usable results.
I use py.test [1], another test runner which has plugins that offer this
feature. The pytest-django [2] plugin provides the necessary integration
to make py.test able to run a normal Django test suite. Then the
pytest-cache [3] plugin offers an ``--lf`` (last-failed) option to run
only the tests that failed in the last run, and the pytest-xdist [4]
plugin offers the even-more-advanced ``--looponfail`` option, which "run
your tests repeatedly in a subprocess. After each run py.test waits
until a file in your project changes and then re-runs the previously
failing tests. This is repeated until all tests pass after which again a
full run is performed."

If you're interested in advanced Python testing, I think py.test is near
the top of the list of tools you should at least take for a spin.


[1] http://pytest.org/latest/
[2] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-django/
[3] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-cache
[4] https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist

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