> Den 24/03/2015 kl. 11.27 skrev Gergely Polonkai <gerg...@polonkai.eu>:
> I have a pretty extended test suite for my application, which can run for 
> about 15 minutes. Now when I introduce an error, I will be notified of it 
> pretty late, and a one-liner fix needs another 15 minutes to check. Of course 
> if only one of my tests fail, I can add the name of the test case as a 
> parameter to manage.py test, but in case of many failures it’s pretty hard to 
> do the same.
> Is there a way to run only the tests that failed last time, even if I have to 
> install a separate app/module for that? A quick Google search gave me no 
> usable results.

Only re-running failed tests partly defeats the purpose of testing. Your fix 
for failing test case A may introduce a failure in test case B.

Instead, I would look into either tweaking you very slow test so they run 
faster, or splitting up your test cases into fast and slow tests, so you can 
run your slow tests less frequently depending on some setting.


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