2013/12/25 Malik Rumi <malik.a.r...@gmail.com>

> Ok, everything went smoothly and beautifully as promised. I got successful
> install messages for pip, distribute, virtualenv and django. So first,
> thank you both very much.
> However, I seem to be stuck again. I am not sure how to get from my new
> virtualenv to django, and windows seems just as confused. When I tried
> startproject, windows suddenly wanted to know if I wanted to keep using
> python to open .py files, or use notepad or some other program? I said
> python, and then it hiccuped, like it was restarting Explorer, and the
> command line went back to the prompt with no evidence it executed the
> startproject command. I looked in the directory, but saw nothing to
> indicate there was a project started. Of course, never having worked with
> either django or virtualenv before, I could have missed it. So I tried
> again.
>  As before, a dialog window opened asking me what program I wanted to
> use. While I was taking a screenshot to save for these notes, the dialog
> went away and the cmd line reported back that access was denied.
> Then I tried get_version and was told there was no module named django,
> even though just a few lines earlier I was told django was successfully
> installed.
> Here is that last portion from my command line window:
> *C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>project_sl1\Scripts\activate*
> *(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>pip install django*
> *Downloading/unpacking django*
> *  Downloading Django-1.6.1.tar.gz (6.6MB): 6.6MB downloaded*
> *  Running setup.py egg_info for package django*
> *    warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found *
> *under dir*
> *ectory '*'*
> *    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.py[co]' found *
> *under direct*
> *ory '*'*
> *Installing collected packages: django*
> *  Running setup.py install for django*
> *    warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found *
> *under dir*
> *ectory '*'*
> *    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.py[co]' found *
> *under direct*
> *ory '*'*
> *Successfully installed django*
> *Cleaning up...*
> *(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>django-admin.py *
> *startproject*
> * project_sl1*
> *(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>django-admin.py *
> *startproject*
> * project_sl1*
> *Access is denied.*
> *(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>*
> Just to be clear, I do want to get past this but I also want to understand
> what is going on, so if you can do both, that would be great. Do I need to
> change directories? Try opening a django project thrui the django gui?
> Where / how would I do that? Everything I have done so far has been thru
> the windows command line.
> Thanx.
> - -

Instead of trying to  execute django-admin.py directly, explicitly tell the
prompt that you want to use python:

    python C:\Path\To\django-admin.py startproject project_sl1

If you have problems with that, try specifying the python interpreter
directly as well:

    C:\Path\To\Virtualenv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Path\To\django-admin.py
startproject project_sl1

Also, it might not be an issue right now, but for your own good, make sure
everything related to your project (which includes: the Python
installation, your virtualenv and the project itself) does not contain any
spaces in the pathnames, it might not be an issue right now, but you'll be
glad you did this later.

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