On 26/12/2013 3:20am, Malik Rumi wrote:
Ok, everything went smoothly and beautifully as promised. I got
successful install messages for pip, distribute, virtualenv and django.
So first, thank you both very much.

However, I seem to be stuck again. I am not sure how to get from my new
virtualenv to django, and windows seems just as confused. When I tried
startproject, windows suddenly wanted to know if I wanted to keep using
python to open .py files, or use notepad or some other program? I said
python, and then it hiccuped, like it was restarting Explorer, and the
command line went back to the prompt with no evidence it executed the
startproject command. I looked in the directory, but saw nothing to
indicate there was a project started. Of course, never having worked
with either django or virtualenv before,

I use Windows 7 (and XP) and have not looked at Windows 8.

Windows 7 is designed for end-user operations rather than development. If you are developing, Microsoft expects you will be using Visual Studio or a competing IDE which respects the location choices made by VS.

The C:\Program files\ directory is "protected". I'm not sure what that means other than end-users seeing the dialog boxes you report.

I installed Python outside C:\Program files. I created a C:\usr\bin for that. Doing so solves the "protected" problem. My first recommendation is to re-install Python where you can see it.

Secondly, create your own "home" directory and avoid having anything to do with "My documents" for development. You can put shortcuts into "My documents" which will take you to whatever directories take your fancy.

The objective is to stop Windows trying to help you.

Thirdly, while Virtualenv is brilliant and solves many problems, they are future problems. On Windows, you cannot use VirtualenvWrapper because no-one has ported it to Windows. VirtualenvWrapper smoothes out all the Virtualenv drudgery and on Linux makes it a no-brainer. Just install it and start using it from the beginning as you undoubtedly would in future. So my recommendation is to avoid Virtualenv while you are a beginner and plan to implement it when you need it.

My fourth recommendation is to acquire a Linux development machine and plan to relocate development to it as soon as you need Virtualenv.



I could have missed it. So I
tried again.

As before, a dialog window opened asking me what program I wanted to
use. While I was taking a screenshot to save for these notes, the dialog
went away and the cmd line reported back that access was denied.

Then I tried get_version and was told there was no module named django,
even though just a few lines earlier I was told django was successfully

Here is that last portion from my command line window:

    /C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>project_sl1\Scripts\activate/

    /(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>pip install django/

    /Downloading/unpacking django/

    /  Downloading Django-1.6.1.tar.gz (6.6MB): 6.6MB downloaded/

    /  Running setup.py egg_info for package django/

    /    warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__'
    found /

    /under dir/

    /ectory '*'/

    /    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.py[co]' found /

    /under direct/

    /ory '*'/

    /Installing collected packages: django/

    /  Running setup.py install for django/

    /    warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__'
    found /

    /under dir/

    /ectory '*'/

    /    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.py[co]' found /

    /under direct/

    /ory '*'/

    /Successfully installed django/

    /Cleaning up.../


    /(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>django-admin.py /



    / project_sl1/


    /(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>django-admin.py /



    / project_sl1/

    /Access is denied./


    /(project_sl1) C:\Program Files\Ampps\python\Scripts>/

Just to be clear, I do want to get past this but I also want to
understand what is going on, so if you can do both, that would be great.
Do I need to change directories? Try opening a django project thrui the
django gui? Where / how would I do that? Everything I have done so far
has been thru the windows command line.

- -

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 11:48:22 AM UTC-6, Malik Rumi wrote:

    Boy, the speedy responses on this thread are great! I can't wait to
    get home from work so I can put this advice into practice. And now
    you know what I want for Christmas 😄 - a working installation of
    django and python to play with.
    From: Tom Lockhart <mailto:tlockhart1...@gmail.com>
    Sent: ‎12/‎24/‎2013 9:15 AM
    To: django-users@googlegroups.com <mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: Re: Can't Install on Windows 8.1

    On 2013-12-24, at 6:56 AM, Malik Rumi <malik.a.r...@gmail.com
    <mailto:malik.a.r...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thank you. One more question before I dive in: I already have
    python installed. Are you suggesting I remove it and start over?

    No. What you will find is that virtualenv will pick up whatever
    python it finds and package it in a new self-contained area. At that
    point you will have full control over what additional things get
    installed. But it needs a python installation somewhere else to get

    If you have put a bunch of packages into your native python
    installation and are not sure what you have, you may want to
    re-install just to get a clean basic installation. But I haven't had
    to do that and would not bother unless you see other issues.


                         - Tom

    On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 8:04:08 AM UTC-6, Timothy W. Cook

        Since it appears that you are not too familiar with Python,
        this may help:

        Using a virtual environment and pip will a long way to solving
        many of your issues.   It is considered best practice 'for a


        Then, install django and other requirements inside your


        On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Malik Rumi
        <malik....@gmail.com> wrote:

            Hello. This is my first post. The attached Word document
            tracks everything I have done this morning to get this to

            Your insights, guidance, and assistance is greatly

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