Question:  If a view saves a model that has a post-save hook, does the view 
return after the post-save hook has completed? Or does the view return and 
the hook runs in the background like a celery task would?  

On Friday, November 29, 2013 10:52:04 AM UTC-8, Robin Lery wrote:
> This may be a lame question, but I am really confused with these two. I 
> know *signals* are used to do some task when something has happened. But 
> what about celery? In the documentation it says:
> *Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed 
> message passing.*
> Will someone please explain to me of what celery is? What's the difference 
> between these two and when to use them? Will be much appreciated! Thank you.

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