The easiest answer I could give is that django signals are like hooks.
Something you wish to preform AFTER or BEFORE some model action. Like you
wish to adjust account balance on model save. Than you would use post_save
builtin django signal.

Celery is here to handle task in background. Like you wish to process some
sort of upload but you want to queue it up against some broker such as
rabbitmq, redis, etc. On this way you can optimize stuff and return back
user faster response saying "hey, process is backgrounded. Will notify you
once it's completed". Than when task finishes you can call callback and let
user know as example. Consider this. You have 100000 users uploading video.
That video would go into celery task so that you can scale it up properly
and distribute against network + make UX appropriate.

Hope this makes sense.

All best,

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