You need to make IIS serve the static files from a given location. 

1. Run collectstatic and note where it puts the files (STATIC_ROOT). 

2. Tweak IIS so it connects STATIC_URL to STATIC_ROOT. 

I can't help there because I have never used it. I could help if it was Apache. 

Good luck


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Mark Lybrand <> wrote:

>I will read those links as soon as I get a chance. 
>As for the particulars:
>"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - 
>"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - 
>OS: Windows 7
>Web server: IIS 7 with FastCGI
>Python: 2.7.4
>Django: 1.4.5
>Should I post my file as well?
>On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
>On 12/04/2013 12:56pm, Mark Lybrand wrote:
>I have managed to get a Django app installed on IIS7.  It is not finding
>the static files for the admin section.  Can someone give me some
>pointers on the steps I need to take to get static files to work in
>This assumes you are using Django 1.4
> as well as specifically how to make my Django app pull the
>appropriate static files from the core django package?
>What information
>do you need from me to be able to answer this question?
>Specific error messages if something fails. Django version. Python version.
>If it isn't finding static files there won't necessarily be error messages - 
>you will probably just see raw html. View page source to discover where it is 
>looking for static files and compare what you see with STATIC_URL. IIS has to 
>look in STATIC_ROOT for those.
>Thanks in advance.
>Mark :)
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