I ran in this today. Say i have these two models in my app called atest

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    age = models.IntegerField(null=True)

class Car(models.Model):
    owner = models.ForeignKey('Person', related_name='cars')
    brand = models.CharField(max_length=255)

Suppose that some persons have more than one car, some have one and others 
First case, i want to get a list of persons with the number of cars they 
have that includes 0

it creates a query like:

*SELECT atest_person.id, atest_person.name, atest_person.age, 
COUNT(atest_car.id) AS cars__count
FROM atest_person
LEFT OUTER JOIN atest_car ON (atest_person.id = atest_car.owner_id)
GROUP BY atest_person.id,
ORDER BY cars__count DESC*

This is all fine, 

But what if i want to get a list of persons with the number of "Ford" cars 
they have?
You might say:

generates a query like:

*SELECT atest_person.id, atest_person.name, atest_person.age, 
COUNT(atest_car.id) AS cars__count
FROM atest_person
LEFT OUTER JOIN atest_car ON (atest_person.id = atest_car.owner_id)
WHERE atest_car.brand = 'Ford'
GROUP BY atest_person.id,
ORDER BY cars__count DESC*

I get a list of persons with how many Ford cars they have IF they have one 
or more, those that don't have a Ford car won't make it into the
resultset, with a 0 for cars__count like in the previous query where we 
didn't care for the model. This is because of the WHERE that filters out

But i want the result like the previous one, with a 0 if they don't have 

In SQL this is, put the car brand condition in the JOIN clause:
SELECT atest_person.name, count(atest_car.id) as "cars__count"
FROM atest_person
LEFT OUTER JOIN atest_car ON (atest_person.id = atest_car.owner_id)
AND atest_car.brand = 'Ford'
GROUP BY atest_person.name
ORDER BY cars__count desc*

So i have two options,
one to execute a raw query or something like
    select = {
        'cars__count':'SELECT count(id) FROM atest_car WHERE 
atest_person.id = atest_car.owner_id AND atest_car.brand = %s'
    select_params = ['Ford']

that makes this query:

  (SELECT count(id)
   FROM atest_car
   WHERE atest_person.id = atest_car.owner_id
     AND atest_car.brand = 'Ford') AS cars__count,
FROM atest_person
ORDER BY cars__count DESC *

But i would really like if one could only pass a parameter to annotate or 
count to include zeroes.
Sorry for the long read, a fine example of this problem is here

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