Thanks you, I think I will only use Pycharm now to help prevent this issue 
I hope future versions will offer better trace.

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 10:14:38 AM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:
> Yes.  I'm not happy with the stack trace either.  The trouble is that the 
> import mechanism got the error, and
> it does not deign to mention the file path or even the module path.  That 
> is potentially a shortcoming in Django,
> since django.utils.importlib presumably could have caught this exception 
> and decorated the error message
> with better file information.
> As far as this instance goes, you may or may not get better information 
> under runserver, assuming that you
> have shell access to the server.  If you truely can't figure out what 
> you changed at or before line 29,
> you can always patch 
> /home/frocco/webapps/ntw/lib/python2.7/django/utils/ to provide 
> you
> with better information (I'd stick in a try-except and put a 
> pdb.set_trace() in the except path and go under
> runserver, but printing to sys.stderr or, if logging is configured, error 
> level logging, may serve you better.
> Bill
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 9:58 AM, frocco < <javascript:>>wrote:
>> The problem with the stack trace, is that I could not tell what 
>> it was talking about.
>> I use PyCharm, but at work I think I used notepad++ to make a quick 
>> change.
>> I understand now that is is a python problem, but what bothers me is that 
>> I could not resolve it via the trace.
>> I may have been reading it wrong, but nothing it said pointed me to the 
>> that was in error.
>> I wish I had the full trace again so I could post it.
>> -- 
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