On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Nebros <markuschriste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, i know I have asked this before in another post of me, but no one
> answered on it and it was not part of topic...

In fact, I did, but you ignored all my advice, didn't fix the problems I
pointed out, and still present with the same issue.

> I am using pyodbc and try to give data out into my page...
> Here the part of pyodbc (and yes this works):
> views---------------------------------------------------------
> .....
> 1    conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL
> Server};SERVER=MAURITIUS;DATABASE=baan5c;UID=***;PWD=*****')
> 2   cursor = conn.cursor()
> 3    cursor.execute("SELECT x.t_name, y.t_mail FROM tttaad200000 as x,
> tttcmf200000 as y WHERE (x.t_name = y.t_name)")
> 4    row = cursor.fetchall()
> 5
> 6    return render_to_response("kundendaten.html", { 'row': row},
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> .....
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> On line number 4 you can see now, there is "row = cursor.fetchall()"...
> When i give out this part now i become two outputs, (one without formatting
> to see what value i become, the other have to be in a table)
> Here the parts of my website:
> Kundendaten-------------------------------------
> .....
> {% block content2 %}Kundendaten{{ row }}.{% endblock %}
> .....
>     <tr>
>         <th>Name</th>
>         <th>Mail</th>
>     </tr>
>     {% for t_user in row %}
>         <tr>
>             <td>{{ row.t_name }}</td>
>             <td>{{ row.t_mail }}</td>
>         </tr>
>     {% endfor %}

Again. If you say "for t_user in row", then you iterate over the list
"row", giving a variable inside the loop named "t_user" for each element in
the list. You then don't actually use "t_user" inside the loop, you use
"row". "row" is your list of rows, not an element in the list.

This is why you get 3 empty lines in your table - there are three items in
"row", but there are no attribute on "row" named "t_name" or "t_mail" -
they are on the items inside "row".

In fact, each item in row does not have those attributes. Lets look at what
fetchall() returns:

>>> c.execute("SELECT id, name from auth_group WHERE id < 4")
>>> c.fetchall()
((2L, u'Client Super User'), (3L, u'Helpdesk User'), (1L, u'IT User'))

So, fetchall() returns a tuple of tuples. If you iterate through this in
your template, then you must refer to each variable by its position - there
is no "t_name" to refer to. Eg:

{% for row in rows %}
    <td>{{ row.0 }}</td>
    <td>{{ row.1 }}</td>
{% endfor %}


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