Hello, i know I have asked this before in another post of me, but no one 
answered on it and it was not part of topic...
I am using pyodbc and try to give data out into my page...
Here the part of pyodbc (and yes this works):
1    conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL 
2   cursor = conn.cursor()
3    cursor.execute("SELECT x.t_name, y.t_mail FROM tttaad200000 as x, 
tttcmf200000 as y WHERE (x.t_name = y.t_name)")
4    row = cursor.fetchall()
6    return render_to_response("kundendaten.html", { 'row': row}, 
On line number 4 you can see now, there is "row = cursor.fetchall()"... 
When i give out this part now i become two outputs, (one without formatting 
to see what value i become, the other have to be in a table)
Here the parts of my website:
{% block content2 %}Kundendaten{{ row }}.{% endblock %}
    {% for t_user in row %}
            <td>{{ row.t_name }}</td>
            <td>{{ row.t_mail }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
[('Ackermann Marcel (THA) ', 'marcel.ackermann@***.ch '), ('Adami Renate 
(HEI) ', 'renate.adami@*.ch '), ('Ammann Cornelia (HEI) ', 
'cornelia.ammann@*.ch '), ('Ausbildung A. Schwaller (HEI) ', 
'giulia.franco@*.ch '), ('General_User_NT (SYS) ', 'baan-alarm@*.ch '), 
('Benz Roger (THA) ', 'roger.benz@*.ch '), .....
(A table with only name and mail as colum titles and but 2 empty lines)
When i add now on line 3 by views t_user like this:
3 cursor.execute("SELECT x.t_name, x.t_user,  y.t_mail FROM tttaad200000 as 
x, tttcmf200000 as y WHERE (x.t_name = y.t_name)")
I become a longer output... and a table with 3 empty lines
When i use it now with fetchone and two selects:
4 row = cursor.fetchone()
I become a table like this:
NameMailAckermann Marcel (THA) marcel.ackermann@***.ch Ackermann Marcel 

And with tree selects there will be tree lines with same value...
Now my question:
How can i make my output correct with fetchall that i can see all lines 
with the correct values?

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