Out of curiosity (obviously it wouldn't be a good solution), if you give
the account which /doesn't/ work superuser status, is that account then
able to edit content?


On 10/16/2012 2:08 PM, Shawn H wrote:
> I have, as far as I can tell.  I've created a group with add, edit,
> and delete permissions on the model, and made the user a member of
> that group.  The user can't edit anything.  I've deleted the group and
> just assigned add, edit, and delete privileges to the user, and the
> user still can't edit anything.  The super user can edit no problem,
> just not any other user.
> On Monday, October 15, 2012 11:23:07 AM UTC-5, Nikolas
> Stevenson-Molnar wrote:
>     Being 'staff' only means that the user can access the admin area, not
>     that they can do anything there. Double check that they have
>     permissions
>     (or are a member of a group which has permissions) to edit each
>     content
>     type you want them to be able to edit.
>     _Nik
>     On 10/12/2012 2:02 PM, Shawn H wrote:
>     > I'm new to django, and using the admin site for user management.
>      I've
>     > created a new user, issued app | model | permission of add, change,
>     > and delete to this user for the app I've built, but when I logon as
>     > that user, I get the "you don't have permission to edit anything".
>     >  The user is active (obviously as I can logon as that user) and is
>     > staff, but the permissions don't seem to be working.  What might
>     I be
>     > missing?  Thanks. --
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