I have, as far as I can tell.  I've created a group with add, edit, and 
delete permissions on the model, and made the user a member of that group. 
 The user can't edit anything.  I've deleted the group and just assigned 
add, edit, and delete privileges to the user, and the user still can't edit 
anything.  The super user can edit no problem, just not any other user.

On Monday, October 15, 2012 11:23:07 AM UTC-5, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar 
> Being 'staff' only means that the user can access the admin area, not 
> that they can do anything there. Double check that they have permissions 
> (or are a member of a group which has permissions) to edit each content 
> type you want them to be able to edit. 
> _Nik 
> On 10/12/2012 2:02 PM, Shawn H wrote: 
> > I'm new to django, and using the admin site for user management.  I've 
> > created a new user, issued app | model | permission of add, change, 
> > and delete to this user for the app I've built, but when I logon as 
> > that user, I get the "you don't have permission to edit anything". 
> >  The user is active (obviously as I can logon as that user) and is 
> > staff, but the permissions don't seem to be working.  What might I be 
> > missing?  Thanks. -- 
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