Well, that's almost true :-)

Granted - it's a lot easier so far but I had to track down several things 
(and a whole lot of "here's how" tips) that were taken for granted (like 
pip which require easy_install.... so on and so forth).  

In retrospect, I recommend future newbee to take this route: start with 
Oracle's VirtualBox and build a Ubuntu virtual machine,   Enable the 
desktop, mySQL, and SSLServer.  Get easy_install which comes with pip.  
Install Django via pip, add Python-mySQL and Mako - then off you go.  It's 
a whole lot easier this way.  

On Thursday, September 6, 2012 11:21:57 AM UTC-7, Kurtis wrote:
> Hey,
> All you should need to get through the Django Tutorial is Python and 
> Django. During development you can use SQLite which is built in and doesn't 
> need any third-party libraries. Good luck!
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:23 PM, ecs1749 <ecs...@gmail.com <javascript:>>wrote:
>> Thanks.  I might as well bite bits of it.  It's tough going because there 
>> are so many dependencies.  It's hard to gather all of the right packages 
>> just to get through the Django tutorial.
>> On Thursday, September 6, 2012 6:59:02 AM UTC-7, Demian Brecht wrote:
>>> You *can* install Django on Linux, Mac or Windows. Choose the 
>>> environment that you're most accustomed to if you're just trying to 
>>> get things done. However, if you want to learn Linux at the same time 
>>> (at least, bits of it), then I fully endorse going down that path. 
>>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:19 PM, ecs1749 <ecs...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > Ok, ok.  I now have a Ubuntu/server with a Ubuntu desktop running 
>>> using oracle vm virtualbox.   I know almost nothing about Linux.  I don't 
>>> even know how to ssh to this beast sitting in front of me.  I  hope this is 
>>> a start... 
>>> > 
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