On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Satinder Goraya
<satinder.goray...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Lets say that you need a form with a drop-down list that have dynamic
> values. With Django this can be done simple and fast.
> my_choice_field). With this code get_my_choices is called on every
> form load and you will get your dynamic drop-down.

This code is useful for bringing the drop down options from the database.
But I want to have the dynamically filtered options from the last
selected options without refreshing the page.

I have used the following code but it is not working according to my
Please check and point out where I am making mistake.

<views.py >

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def field_test_select(request):
    field_list = Field.objects.all()
    return render_to_response('field_test_select.html', {'field_list'
: field_list}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

def all_json_tests(request, field):
    current_field = Field.objects.get(id=field)
    test = Test.objects.all().filter(field=current_field)
    json_test = serializers.serialize("json", test)
    return HttpResponse(json_test, mimetype="application/javascript")


(r'^add_job/$', 'field_test_select'),
(r'^field/(?P<field>[-\w]+)/all_json_tests/$', 'all_json_tests'),


<!-- field_test_select.html -->
<form action="" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8">
    <select name="field" id="field">
        <option value="Z">Select a field</option>
        {% for field in field_list %}
            <option value="{{ field.id}}">{{ field.name }}</option>
        {% endfor %}
    <select name="test" id="test" disabled="true">
        <option>Select a test</option>
                     function() {
                         $("select#field").change(function() {
                             if ($(this).val() == 'Z') {
a test</option>");
                                 $("select#test").attr('disabled', true);
                             else {
                                 var url = "/field/" + $(this).val() +
                                 var field = $(this).val();
                                 $.getJSON(url, function(tests) {
                                     var options = '<option
value="Z">Select a test</option>';
                                     for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
                                        options += '<option value="' +
tests[i].pk + '">' + tests[i].fields['name'] + '</option>';
option:first").attr('selected', 'selected');
                                     $("select#test").attr('disabled', false);

                         $("select#test").change(function(vent) {
                             if ($(this).val() == -1) {


Sandeep Kaur
E-Mail: mkaurkha...@gmail.com
Blog: sandymadaan.wordpress.com

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