The only way I can think of doing it without JS would be by having the
users select an option from the drop down and then click a next button,
submitting to the server for the server to figure out what to do next.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Nicolas Emiliani <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Sandeep kaur <>wrote:
>> I want to have a form, with drop down list and then multiple select
>> checkboxes dynamically filtered based on drop down selection. I have
>> searched a lot but did not find a complete solution for my
>> requirement. Also I want to ask that can we do this without apply java
>> query ?  Means if a browser doesn't support java, how would our could
>> run?
> Well, I just did something alike, where I basically have three dropdowns
> that are related , when you pick something in the first one, the others
> load
> up some different options.
> The way i did it was attaching the change event using jQuery to the
> rendered
> dropdown and the working my way from there. I don't know if it is the most
> solid/clean way to do it, but it works. I wouldn't know how to do that
> without js.
>> Help would be really appreciated.
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> Sandeep Kaur
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> Nicolas Emiliani
> Lo unico instantaneo en la vida es el cafe, y es bien feo.
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