I´ve had problems with rich-text-editors for a while now, tested  
everyone with regards to how easy they are to customize and how clean  
is the code they generate ...

Am 06.09.2006 um 21:51 schrieb Gloria:

> Thank you for your responses. The steps Patrickk lists are  
> repretitive,
> just like the ones listed in the link I had referenced, except #4 and
> the comment below it. Those were helpful, thank you.
> Re: The bugs in the Dojo Editor2: Are they so serious that you would
> not consider fixing them if you were a rich text javascript developer,
> looking for an editor to incorporate into your product?

I´ve tried for about 2 months, giving up in the end (one of the  
reasons is that we don´t use dojo anymore).
still, the new Editor2 is very good (in theory) and if you have a  
good js-developer, why not play with it? one thing that turns me off  
though is that editor2 doesn´t support XHTML, so there´s a lot of  
search/replace if (for instance) you want to have <br /> ...

> Re: FckEditor: Is it mature enough to be used in a product? Do any
> products currently use it? Isn't it easy to remap the key sequences  
> for
> break vs. paragraph? Or is this deeply embedded in the code for some
> reason?

I don´t think that problem is easy to solve. it´s a major issue for  
the next update of fckeditor. on the forum, a lot of people complain  
about it (including myself).
e.g., when the editor is empty you are not able to control whether  
the generated html-code is using paragraphs or not (of course, you  
could prepoluate empty textareas with <p>&nbsp</p>, but that´s not  
nice). with tinymce, you can say that every "enter" results in a new  
paragraph (every "shift-enter" is a break).

> Re: TinyMce: I hear great things about this editor, but not from
> developers. I need to be able to customize the editor I ultimately
> choose. I hear it's not as mature as the Dojo editor. Is this true?

I´ve been able to use my filebrowser with fckeditor within hours. I 
´ve customized the upload- and link-dialogs and everything works fine.
on the other hand, just take a look at the tinymce-configuration  
(there´s a lot you can do). I didn´t use tinymce for a project, but  
with the problem in fck mentioned above we´re about to switch.

I´d recommend testing every editor with different browsers and see  
how it works. shouldn´t take you more than a day - and maybe your  
experience is different ...


> Should this be taken offline, because it's tangential to Django? Or
> should it be left here for others looking to integrate rich text
> editing?
> >

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