Hi Jani.
I don't know why you say
" 3) Are you now trying to figure out how to plug in Django in "Adming
module/PC with GUI block"?"

My admin module and the gui do not share anything. They are not on the same
Gui is for displaying and admin for the page content management as any
Le 19 mai 2012 11:38, "Eugène Ngontang" <sympav...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> When you're asking if my client/server already exist. You're talking about
> physical machines or applications/modules?
> - the machines where client module will run already exist and are used
> dayly. The client module will just be installed there and do what it has to
> do.
> - every body knows the browser/gui can be found and run anywhere.
> - Now the server machine where the web server should be running and the
> admin module will be deployed is a dedicated machine that should be set up
> specially for the project.
> - the database could be on a separated machine or anywhere, it doesn't
> matter.
> I don't know why you still don't understand Jani. The physical
> architecture is simple and i described it.
> And i was saying all will now be done in http. I just have to make my
> admin(browser) notified asynchronously, as well as my clients (i know i
> should avoid distinguish them from the gui/browser but it's for make things
> clear)
> See you.
> Le 19 mai 2012 08:09, "Jani Tiainen" <rede...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> By looking your diagram it's still the same as you described in your
>> earlier mails. So it doesn't help at all. :)
>> 1) Is your server something that exists and is used in everyday life or
>> is it something that you're going to build?
>> 2) Are your clients something that already exists and is used in everyday
>> life?
>> 3) Are you now trying to figure out how to plug in Django in "Adming
>> module/PC with GUI block"?
>> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Eugène Ngontang <sympav...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Guys!
>>> I've been busy a bit, I'm back to thread with the high level
>>> architecture. Attached here is a diagram, just to understand what i meant.
>>> Don't pay attention for object I use to describe modules or architecture
>>> components.
>>> Now you will be able to understand what I mean by the server module, the
>>> admin module, and the client module of my architecture.
>>> As you could see on the diagram, the admin module is installd on the
>>> server(where the server module is installed) and is destined to provide
>>> views to the GUI.
>>> The clients receive and send data to the server.
>>> When the admin make some actions, some clients are notifed, and when
>>> client send informations admin (GUi is notified).
>>> Now two things come in my mind when I was thinking :
>>> - First I could stay in the way I want the server to use HTTP for the
>>> admin side, and another protocol to communicate with client. In that way
>>> the Admin Module (Django) will alter and read data from data base. and the
>>> server module will alter and read data from database. Then each information
>>> retrievement will lead in reading database since informations could have
>>> been changed. You can that's really heavy.
>>> - Second do all things in http. Mean that my server is just a web
>>> application undertanding HTTP (I will the use django for that). The server
>>> will serve request depending on the type of request, and each client will
>>> communicate with the server using HTTP.  Then server will define pages/urls
>>> for admin (to be sent to the GUI), and pages/urls  for clients.
>>> By this way, the only relation between my modules will be the protocol
>>> (HTTP for the instance) and they could be implemented in what ever language
>>> we like. The sever will run asynchronously for admin and clients.
>>>   The admin will then be just an interface to wich convert data to the
>>> right display format for the GUI. And the GUI could be any type, and for
>>> the web interface type I will use DJANGO for my Admin module.
>>>    I will then also have to develop a http client for my client module.
>>> Actuallu I'm going to take the second choice, since it lets all the
>>> charge for read and write database to the server, which could run and
>>> publish informations asynchronously(websocket could help here).
>>> I precise that I'm not a web architect or designer, but i understand
>>> software architecture. I'm really a system and network engineer, with good
>>> developpement skill but not to much in web.
>>> Look now my architecture diagram and tell me if what I'm describing in
>>> the second item fit. And give idea if you have, about libraiies and or
>>> framwork that could help going fast and easy.
>>> I thing I will use django and green unicorn.
>>> Thanks for your attention.
>>> 2012/5/16 Alec Taylor <alec.tayl...@gmail.com>
>>>> Oh right, it's just Pyjamas.
>>>> Still, annoyed I didn't think to recommend it first!
>>>> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Alec Taylor <alec.tayl...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Frank Stüss <frank.stu...@stuess.de>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >> or maybe you might have a look at http://pyjs.org/
>>>> >> which could help you having an event aware client app in your
>>>> browser.
>>>> >> Served by and with django.
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm impressed
>>>> >
>>>> > (just read the exec summary from homepage)
>>>> >
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Am Sonntag, den 13.05.2012, 17:14 +0400 schrieb Alireza Savand:
>>>> >>> No, i posted django-tastypie not tastypie itself and it's easy to
>>>> use.
>>>> >>> Anyway if i'm implementing GUI based i would make it website, since
>>>> >>> it's an advantages of SaaS.
>>>> >>> But using client app[desktop-app] and a server-app[django] and
>>>> having
>>>> >>> multiply client and ... makes maintaining like a nightmare.
>>>> >>> All i knew was that, Despite that you asked several question and i
>>>> >>> just claimed to help in one of them :D
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Eugène Ngontang <
>>>> sympav...@gmail.com>
>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>> >>>         Yes, I can see tastypie is a good service, that even support
>>>> >>>         REST protocol.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>         But I'd firt basically implement my gui with django and
>>>> when i
>>>> >>>         will master well django, i could use tastypie, and turn my
>>>> >>>         server to support REST, it will be a good thing.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>         But please let's keep using only django for the begining.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>         Thanks.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>         2012/5/13 Alireza Savand <alireza.sav...@gmail.com>
>>>> >>>                 https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                 On Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:14:36 PM UTC+4, Eugene
>>>> >>>                 NGONTANG wrote:
>>>> >>>                         Hi!
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         I'm a python developper, but new in django.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         I'm devolopping a multi clients-server
>>>> >>>                         application.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         The server and the clients are communicating
>>>> >>>                         via sockets, The server
>>>> >>>                         receive somme states from clients, and
>>>> display
>>>> >>>                         them in the User
>>>> >>>                         interface.
>>>> >>>                         In the other hand, the server has to send a
>>>> >>>                         message(packet) to the
>>>> >>>                         client when an event  occurs in the GUI, and
>>>> >>>                         data are stored in a
>>>> >>>                         database.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         Then I choose to make a web interface where
>>>> >>>                         data could be viewed and
>>>> >>>                         manipulated. And I discovered Django, which
>>>> >>>                         fit all my needs. I tested
>>>> >>>                         and liked the framework.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         My questions are:
>>>> >>>                         - Can I override the djando admin methods so
>>>> >>>                         that i can not only
>>>> >>>                         customized my views and html page, but also
>>>> >>>                         manipulate objects in
>>>> >>>                         database, so that i can do another action
>>>> when
>>>> >>>                         catching an  event in
>>>> >>>                         the GUi.
>>>> >>>                         For example, taking the django admin
>>>> tutorial,
>>>> >>>                         I would like to do and
>>>> >>>                         action like sending a message the user
>>>> choose
>>>> >>>                         "add a poll". How can I
>>>> >>>                         do those things? Cause I noticed that method
>>>> >>>                         that alter data in data
>>>> >>>                         base are part of django admin module and
>>>> >>>                         cannot be overriden
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         - To achieve what I want, i would like to
>>>> run
>>>> >>>                         my server engine and my
>>>> >>>                         django admin in two separated threads. How
>>>> do
>>>> >>>                         i run my admin module in
>>>> >>>                         a thread? Cause till now i'm using the
>>>> command
>>>> >>>                         line "python manage.py
>>>> >>>                         runserver"
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         - I also tried to overide tables name, and
>>>> >>>                         foreign keys names. Could
>>>> >>>                         you guys provide me a true life example?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         - And now in the production step, I would
>>>> like
>>>> >>>                         you guys to tell me
>>>> >>>                         what to choose for serving files. I would
>>>> like
>>>> >>>                         to with your experience
>>>> >>>                         what's better between running a unicorn
>>>> server
>>>> >>>                         or apache with mod_wsgi
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         I don't know if i'm clear, but i hope. In
>>>> >>>                         brief I'd like to use the
>>>> >>>                         django framework features to design my Gui
>>>> >>>                         like i want, customize
>>>> >>>                         interactions between the gui and the
>>>> backend,
>>>> >>>                         and choose a good web
>>>> >>>                         server for the production.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                         Thank you for advance
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>                 --
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>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>         --
>>>> >>>         ngont...@epitech.net
>>>> >>>         sympav...@gmail.com
>>>> >>>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >>>         Aux hommes il faut un chef, et au chef il faut des hommes!
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >> --
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>>>> >> Frank Stüss + Inhaber
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>>> --
>>> ngont...@epitech.net
>>> sympav...@gmail.com
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *Aux hommes il faut un chef, et au** chef il faut des hommes!*
>>>  --
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>> --
>> Jani Tiainen
>> - Well planned is half done, and a half done has been sufficient before...
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