Okay, i found a problem in it.
One of my models doesn't use *id* as a default *pk*.
is use different primary key, called *iso.*
So here the traceback
It's not working with those model with different primary key :|

On Saturday, May 12, 2012 3:13:28 PM UTC+4, Karl Sutt wrote:
> Thanks. So, in onPreSave, you use kwargs['instance'], assuming it's the 
> instance before saving (which it is, not just in the "current" state). So 
> kwargs['instance'] in both handlers have the same state. If you want to get 
> the current state (the old state, so to speak), you should to something like
> sender.objects.get(id=kwargs['instance'].id)
> This would get you the current state of the that instance.
> Hope this is clear and helps.
> Karl Sutt

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