Thanks for your answer Karl
Actually yes, i want to do some versioning on model instance, but the
problem is that the state of the model instance in pre_save is same as at
the post_save.

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Karl Sutt <> wrote:

> Regarding pre_save signal, it is useful for doing something with the "old"
> instance. Consider a use case where you might want to "archive" all changes
> to, say, the user's profile. Every time a user makes a change to their
> profile, you want to save the current state of the profile to another
> table, or another database, and then save the new model (which overwrites
> the current state and becomes the new current state). This sort of
> mechanism is useful for versioning your model instances. The pre_save
> signal allows you to create a hook that does precisely that. That is just
> one of the use cases, but I'm sure you can think of others.
> Karl Sutt
> On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Alireza Savand <
> > wrote:
>> Hi
>> What is the different between pre_save signal and post_save singal.
>> I know post_save will emited after model instance saved, and pre_save is
>> before the saving the instance[?]
>> but what it the point of pre_save when we cannot access the object data
>> before the data changes.
>> I mean user try to change the model content, like body of a post in a
>> blog. using pre_save signal would be reasonable if i can access the post's
>> body before the changes or in other word before the actual save() happens.
>> If i can't access to data before save() happends, So what is the point of
>> pre_save ?
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