On Apr 23, 6:54 pm, "Daniel Sokolowski"
<daniel.sokolow...@klinsight.com> wrote:
> +1
> I use SQlite3 on lower traffic production sites due to it's ease of install
> and deployment. Even though I only once I reached this 1000 variable limit I
> would like to see some django work around.

I thought a little more about this, and I find it unlikely that the
qs.filter() issue will ever be solved. The idea presented upthread
might work, but it will be a mess to implement. It adds some serious
complexity to the query generation: temp table creation, insertion
into the temp table, the where clause generation, and finally you need
to clean up the temp table. All this to work around a limitation in a
single database. An issue you can work around by recompiling SQLite.
Or you could just use a different database.

The implementation would need to be extremely good to have any chance
to get in. The work needed seems huge compared to what is gained.

So, as said upthread: there is only so much Django can hide about the
underlying database. The 1000 parameters limit for single query seems
to be one of those issues. If there is some easy trick Django will use
that. But the temp table workaround seems just too messy. Still, I
would be happy to be proven wrong here.

 - Anssi

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