On Monday, April 23, 2012 1:56:19 AM UTC+3, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> It's also probable that it's something that is new to 1.4 (or, at least, 
> that it manifests in slightly different ways in 1.4). One of the features 
> added in 1.4 is bulk insertion of data. This means that you can use a 
> single SQL statement to insert all your m2m relation; however, the downside 
> is that on SQLite, there is a limit of 500 insertions that can be done at 
> any one time (2 values per insertion).
> This is logged as ticket #17788. There have been some discussions about a 
> fix for this problem that will break the bulk insertion into batches. I 
> suspect that when this problem is fixed, your problem will go away.
There are at least three different instances of the 1000 variables problem. 
One is the bulk_create() which is likely to get fixed. Then there is 
delete(). This might get fixed. The last one is 
qs.filter(id__in=large_list) which will not get fixed.

The reason for fixing bulk_create() is that it is somewhat easy to do so. 
Just split the batch of objects into smaller batches and iterate. delete() 
isn't as easy, but the same split + iterate approach could work. If it gets 
too complicated then it will not be fixed, if it is easy then it might get 
fixed. The last one, qs.filter(id__in=large_list) is pretty much impossible 
to fix. The reason is you can't split that query into multiple parts. Or 
not for any non-trivial query anyways. For example ORDER BY is enough to 
break any attempt to split the query into parts.

While Django's ORM should hide limitations in the underlying database it 
can't do it perfectly. My viewpoint is that Django should hide limitations 
if it is easy to do so. It is all about cost-benefit ratio.

For your particular problem you have at least these choices:
  1. Use different database. I guess you have a reason to use SQLite so 
this might not be an option.
  2. Compile SQLite yourself with a higher parameter limit. If you need to 
deploy your software on multiple machines this might be hard to do.
  3. Work around the issues in your code. Maybe a ModelMultipleChoiceField 
subclass which does the .clean() in a safe way would work. Or better yet do 
as Russell said: try to remove the need to have 1000 options in one field 

 - Anssi

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