Thanks for the reply. Yes, this wouldn't be too tough if the directories in 
TEMPLATE_DIRS were all I had to worry about, but the glitch I mentioned earlier 
is that Django can also look for templates in places other than those listed 
explicitly in that setting.

For example, the template loader 
'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', which is enabled by default, 
looks for a "templates" directory within each one of your "installed apps." So 
a solution that only considers paths in TEMPLATE_DIRS would not work in that 

- Patrick

On Friday, February 10, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Bill Beal wrote:

> I know nothing, but here's what I did:
> python shell
> import os
> from settings import TEMPLATE_DIRS
> for x in TEMPLATE_DIRS:
>   print x
>   os.listdir(x)
> It gave me a list of the files in the (each) template directory.
> It looks like you already have a list of template directories in

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