The internet is a wonderful invention, but sometimes the interchange
of the spoken word is more efficient.

Let's see if I have this straight.

You know which directory the templates are in.

'templates/flatpages/page_templates/   for example.
Is that correct?

Then when you pass from the to the specific view that you are
directed to by the url  you simply call the function
files=os.listdir('templates/flatpages/page_templates/ ')


for xxx in range(template_qty):
             #####perform the logic to add values to the dictionary
           template_dictionary=(  a:'a',b:'b')     ### I forget the
exact syntax

render(form_template_listing.html,template_dictionary)    -  ## I
forget the exact syntax


Then in the form_template_listing.html  , template unpack the template
dictionary in the drop down list.

I believe this is what you are asking.

If not I can send you my cell phone number and we can discuss it.

On Feb 10, 3:01 pm, "Demetrio Girardi" <>
> On 10 Feb 2012 at 14:50, Patrick Wellever wrote:
> > I want to make it a choice field that justs lists all the files in, for 
> > example,
> > 'templates/flatpages/page_templates/', so the user can see what templates 
> > are available and just
> > choose one from a select list.
> you can read the filesystem in the form's (or form field's) __init__.

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