On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 11:18 +0100, Håkon Erichsen wrote:
> One thing you should look into is
> QuerySet.select_related(): 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#select-related 
> Without it, every time you run scr.hole on a new scr, Django will run
> a new query, fetching that 'hole' object. If you have 10 000 scores,
> that means 10 000 queries, which is an insane number for queries like
> this. If you use select_related, Django will fetch the corrosponding
> hole for you, in the same query... meaning 1 query, instead of 10
> 000 :) 
> In other words, change this: 
>     scrs = Score.objects.all()
> pscrs = Pscore.objects.filter(hole__tee__course = club)
> To this: 
>     scrs = Score.objects.all().select_related('hole')
> pscrs = Pscore.objects.filter(hole__tee__course = club).select_related('hole')

I first did select_related() and the laptop nearly caught fire! timed
out after an hour or so. I then did select_related(depth=1) and it took
less than a minute.
> That seems to be the biggest problem you have. Some other comments:
> - Holy mother of god, that's a huge view file! I would advice to slice it 
> into logically separated files, and put this in a directory called "views", 
> everything doesn't have to be in views.py!

there is a lot of duplicated code - a huge clean up is needed, but every
time I sit to do it, a new feature is needed, so it does not get done! 
> - Put your forms in another file, like forms.py

that is on the todo list.
> - If you're just checking if someone is logged in with @user_passes_test, why 
> not just use @login_required?

this is legacy code - at the time it was written, login_required did not
do what I wanted, I need to review that.
> - Check out render: 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/shortcuts/#render

will do - thanks to all for taking the trouble of reading the code and
making suggestions.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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