On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 11:36 +0100, Masklinn wrote:
> >
> https://bitbucket.org/lawgon/djangogolf/src/a86c388f1795/web/views.py#cl-372  
> analyses golf scores and calculates the relative difficulty of the holes. The 
> code looks simple to me, but to analyse 10,000 rounds of golf (1,80,000 hole 
> scores) my 2 GB laptop takes 20 minutes. Would this be considered normal - or 
> slow? If slow, ideas on how to speed it up would be appreciated.
> It certainly does not seem fast, but I don't think it's possible to
> psychically debug that stuff, so you'll need to collect stats on which
> section of the function takes time:
> * The first half looks like straightforward numerical code (three
> iterations on three straightforward-looking querysets back-to-back,
> but not nested), while Python is not the fastest language at numerical
> stuff, even CPython "only" takes ~100ms for 2 million additions (on a
> 2.4GHz Core i5)

this is what takes the time
> * The gviz_api work could be more expensive (CPU-wise) than the simple
> calls let think

takes a few seconds 
> * Depending on the amount of data generated, the issue could also come
> from rendering the data 

the amount of data generated is minimal - 18 sets of data containing one
string and 2 numbers each.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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