On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:02 AM, badlearner <badlear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> [This is the first time I am using Google Groups and/or mailing lists,
> so please bear with me if I do something wrong initially.]
> Is Django web framework apt for a large social networking or photo
> sharing site? (Think one that has to easily and seamlessly scale to
> the size of Facebook or Flickr. Yes, I know I want too much, but
> that's for an estimate.)


Your question is a bit like asking "Is it possible to build a
skyscraper using a hammer".

Yes, you can use Django to build sites that scale to very large
traffic loads. There are several examples of high profile, high
traffic sites that use Django under the hood. For example, Mozilla
runs a lot of it's web infrastrcture on Django. Disqus is another high
profile example. These companies both serve millions of pages a day
off a software stack based on Django.

However, building something in Django doesn't automagically guarantee
that your site will scale. Scaling doesn't ever have a a "one size
fits all" solution -- you need to tailor your code to match the
specific needs of your site. And code that works fine when you have 10
users won't necessarily be the best solution when you've got 1000
users, or 1 million users.

So - yes: you can build a social networking/photo sharing site in
Django. Yes, it can be built so that it will scale. However, it's also
possible to build a site in Django that won't scale at all. The
results you see are only ever going to be as good as the carpenter
wielding the hammer.

Russ Magee %-)

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