OK I must have missed something fundamental. I installed v0.8 and
having started all over again, I only made one change - adding an
extra field to the basic RegistrationForm class in registration.forms
- this isn't showing up on my template either!

Looking over my code, I've found it's not just the Registration form
class - when I try altering the default label in e.g.
PasswordResetForm (from django.contrib.auth.forms) the change doesn't
show up in my template either ( {{ form.email.label_tag }} ), it still
displays the default. Is there another mysterious source that django
is getting the form class declaration from instead, or is it just
ignoring my changes for some reason? I'm not getting any errors and
the form itself still works correctly. I haven't changed any of the
default code for PasswordResetForm (urls, views, forms) except that
one label. I can't understand this behaviour at all.

On Jul 11, 10:46 am, katstevens <kat.stev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that's it! I'm using v0.7 and will upgrade now - thanks for
> the heads up.
> On Jul 8, 6:52 pm, CareerDhaba tech <t...@careerdhaba.com> wrote:
> > I believe you are using an older version of django_registration, since there
> > is no reference to the backend in your code. The backend is an addition in
> > the latest (0.8) version of django_registration.
> > Did you download the code from 
> > here?http://readthedocs.org/docs/django-registration/en/latest/index.html

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