If I remember this correctly, there's a variable somewhere in
django-registration that defines the form to be used.

grep (or ack!) the source for RegistrationForm and see if you can find it


On 7/8/11, katstevens <kat.stev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer, but unfortunately that hasn't helped - on
> further investigation I think the problem is somewhere else, as the
> original RegistrationForm class instance (in registration.forms)
> doesn't seem to be being called correctly by registration.views (so no
> wonder RegistrationFormTermsOfService isn't working!). I tried making
> some small changes to the labels in the RegistrationForm class and it
> is still displaying the default label values in my template. For
> example, the class declaration now looks like:
>  class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
>      # all the other fields
>      # ...
>      password1 =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs=attrs_dict,
> render_value=False),
>                                 label=_(u'different password label'))
> In registration.views I've imported the form as follows
>  from registration.forms import RegistrationForm
> And used the default view declaration:
>  def register(request, success_url=None,
>              form_class=RegistrationForm, profile_callback=None,
>              template_name='registration/registration_form.html',
>              extra_context=None):
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>        # do post stuff
>     else:
>        # instantiate blank form
>         form = form_class()
> Finally, on the registration_form.html template I've tried calling the
> fields explicitly rather than using the form.as_table tag:
>                   <td>{{ form.password1.label_tag }}</td>
>                   <td>{{ form.password1 }}</td>
> The page displays these fields fine, yet the label still gives the
> default label value of 'password' instead of 'different password
> label'. I'm not getting any syntax errors, and I've rebooted my server
> for good measure with the same results. Therefore I assume that either
> form = form_class() isn't actually instantiating RegistrationForm
> properly in the view, or there is some sort of overriding default
> being called from a different location (maybe django.contrib.auth?).
> Also - I can't see the form_call field that you mention - does this
> refer to the parameter 'form_class=RegistrationForm' I've used above
> in my registration view?
> Thanks again!
> On Jul 8, 7:08 am, CareerDhaba tech <t...@careerdhaba.com> wrote:
>> Hi Kat,
>> You have to tell the your registration view to use the
>> RegistrationFormTermsofService. First, import that class from forms and
>> change your form_call from None to to RegistrationFormTermsofService.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 5:34 PM, katstevens <kat.stev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi - I'm new to Django and am using django-registration to set up new
>> > users.
>> > The basic RegistrationForm shows up fine in my template (which just
>> > uses {{ form.as_table }} to generate fields inside the form HTML), but
>> > I now want to use the RegistrationFormTermsOfService subclass instead.
>> > I set it as a parameter in urls.py as follows:
>> >                       url(r'^register/$',
>> >                           register,
>> >                           {'form_class':
>> > RegistrationFormTermsOfService},
>> >                           name='registration_register'),
>> > ... but the original RegistrationForm is still showing instead. Any
>> > ideas why this would be? Do I have to remove the default 'form_class'
>> > value in the register declaration in views.py (as that still gives
>> > RegistrationForm as the default)? Or do I need to alter my template?
>> > I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious - any help gratefully
>> > received.
>> > Kat
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