Actually, Django-CMS does have front-end editing, but it seems that
the latest edition is a bit wonky atm with regards to the interface
and the documentation on actually using it.  I think the developers
are moving towards a more stable MPTT solution, and this motion seems
to be the cause.

I have used both, and have found that while the user interface of
Django-Fiber is more eye-pleasing, it is lacking many of the features
that Django-CMS offers.  It also does not have the sizable plug-in
list for immediate additions of functionality of Django-CMS. Nor does
it seem to be as easily extended to include an existing Django app.
This last issue is a total deal breaker for me, at least.

I would suggest using Django-CMS and adding your fixes, plug-ins and
documentation to the project rather than home-rolling yet another
CMS.  Unless, that is, you have a pretty good idea of what you want
and it is definitely not something that can be added to an existing
system.  This would give you far more options and maintainability.
The Django-CMS guys are very active and responsive to outside input
and help, too.

Just my two-cents.

On May 5, 3:29 am, Dave Sayer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently deliberating over writing a bespoke CMS or using a
> ready rolled one for a client. I have limited experience with
> Python/Django beyond the standard admin interface and building a
> pretty simple photo portfolio site.
> I have tried django-cms and didn't like the functionality - didn't
> seem very intuitive for a user with limited tech knowledge. So now, I
> am looking at django-fiber but again, the backend admin seems a little
> lacking in intuitiveness for the average joe user. I do, however, like
> the fronend editing functionality. It just seems a little basic for my
> needs and the documentation is pretty scant.
> Does anyone have any experience of using fiber and have any example
> sites running on this?
> Cheers,
> Dave
> --
> ---------------------------------------
> Dave Sayer | Bath Design
> Web design & development with standards
> ---------------------------------------
> mobile: +44 (0)7702787436
> email:
> web:
> photography:
> twitter:
> ---------------------------------------

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