Ok, thanks everyone for the replies. I will take a look at these

On May 13, 6:06 am, Michal Petrucha <michal.petru...@ksp.sk> wrote:
> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 08:15:59PM -0700, robinne wrote:
> > How can I render dynamic content in a base template if I only call a
> > view on my child template?
> > What I am trying to do is setup a base template that will include
> > "Profile" information for the user who is logged in, for example:
> > "Welcome John", instead of "login here", on every page. But if I call
> > my child page "/Home" (for example) and it extends "base.html", how do
> > I render the dynamic content within base.html? Thanks.
> You can use either custom template tags as suggested by others. The
> alternative is to create custom context processors that will add
> dynamic data you want to display into the context. Then you can use it
> even in your base template. However, you'll have to make sure each
> view uses a RequestContext when rendering templates in order for the
> context processors to be applied.
> As for the specific problem you're solving, RequestContext already
> contains user data which means you don't need anything extra. Just
> check in your base template if a user is logged in and show his
> username if yes or a login link otherwise.
> Michal
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