On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 08:15:59PM -0700, robinne wrote:
> How can I render dynamic content in a base template if I only call a
> view on my child template?
> What I am trying to do is setup a base template that will include
> "Profile" information for the user who is logged in, for example:
> "Welcome John", instead of "login here", on every page. But if I call
> my child page "/Home" (for example) and it extends "base.html", how do
> I render the dynamic content within base.html? Thanks.

You can use either custom template tags as suggested by others. The
alternative is to create custom context processors that will add
dynamic data you want to display into the context. Then you can use it
even in your base template. However, you'll have to make sure each
view uses a RequestContext when rendering templates in order for the
context processors to be applied.

As for the specific problem you're solving, RequestContext already
contains user data which means you don't need anything extra. Just
check in your base template if a user is logged in and show his
username if yes or a login link otherwise.


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