Since Excel will import a csv file, why not just write a csv file.  In mysql, 
while ugly, you could shell down and use the mysql command line options to 
export a query to csv.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Od-Erdene Ch
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: This section is converting database table to excel file


hi there

this section is converting database table to excel file.


problem is when converting database table to excel file (it is containing 6400 
[six thousand four hundred] rows) it is spending more than 10 minutes.

that is very slow. is there any idea to make more faster. Help me





if request.GET.has_key('excel') :

        if request.GET['excel'] == "true":

            qs = CarDetails.objects.all().order_by(sord + sidx)

            wb = xlwt.Workbook()

            ws = wb.add_sheet(u'CarDetails')

            labels = [u"型式", u"車名", 



                      u"ローター数",u"燃料種類",u"燃料種類括弧 その他"]


            ws.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 22, u'車輌マスター管理', get_title_style())


            label_style = get_label_style2()

            for i in range(len(labels)) :

                ws.write(1, i, labels[i], label_style)

            ws.col(0).width = get_computed_width(-30) # by pixel

            ws.col(1).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(2).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(3).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(4).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(5).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(6).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(7).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(8).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(9).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(10).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(11).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(12).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(13).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(14).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(15).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(16).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(17).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(18).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(19).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(20).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(21).width = get_computed_width(150)

            ws.col(22).width = get_computed_width(150)

            today = datetime.strftime(,"%Y-%m-%d")

            rown = 2

            simple_style = get_simple_style()


            for list in qs :

                car_maker_code = ""

                car_maker = ""

                car_name2 = ""

                tax = ""

                model = ""

                car_name = ""

                name = ""

                body = ""

                class_type_number = ""

                weight = ""

                length = ""

                width = ""

                height = ""

                usage = ""

                view_type = ""

                motor_type = ""

                totol_piston_cc = ""

                is_own = ""

                human_size = ""

                kg_size = ""

                totol_weight = ""

                fuel_type = ""

                human_size_kakko = ""

                kg_size_kakko = ""

                rotor_number = ""

                fuel_type_kakko = ""

                fuel_type_kakko_sonota = ""

                if list.model: model = list.model

                if list.carname: car_name = list.carname

                if name =

                if list.body: body = list.body

                if list.class_type_number: class_type_number = 

                if list.weight: weight = list.weight

                if list.length: length = list.length

                if list.width: width = list.width

                if list.height: height = list.height

                if list.usage: usage = list.get_usage_display()

                if list.view_type: view_type = list.view_type

                if list.motor_type: motor_type = list.motor_type

                if list.totol_piston_cc: totol_piston_cc = list.totol_piston_cc

                if list.is_own: is_own = list.get_is_own_display()

                if list.human_size: human_size = list.human_size

                if list.kg_size: kg_size = list.kg_size

                if list.totol_weight: totol_weight = list.totol_weight

                if list.fuel_type: fuel_type = list.get_fuel_type_display()

                if list.human_size_kakko: human_size_kakko = 

                if list.kg_size_kakko: kg_size_kakko = list.kg_size_kakko

                if list.rotor_number: rotor_number = list.rotor_number

                if list.fuel_type_kakko: fuel_type_kakko = list.fuel_type_kakko

                if list.fuel_type_kakko_sonota: fuel_type_kakko_sonota = 


                ws.write(rown, 0, unicode(model), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 1, unicode(car_name), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 2, unicode(name), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 3, unicode(body), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 4, unicode(class_type_number), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 5, unicode(weight), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 6, unicode(length), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 7, unicode(width), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 8, unicode(height), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 9, unicode(usage), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 10, unicode(view_type), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 11, unicode(motor_type), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 12, unicode(totol_piston_cc), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 13, unicode(is_own), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 14, unicode(human_size), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 15, unicode(kg_size), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 16, unicode(totol_weight), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 17, unicode(fuel_type), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 18, unicode(human_size_kakko), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 19, unicode(kg_size_kakko), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 20, unicode(rotor_number), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 21, unicode(fuel_type_kakko), simple_style)

                ws.write(rown, 22, unicode(fuel_type_kakko_sonota), 

                rown += 1

            result = StringIO()



            response = HttpResponse(, 

            response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; 
filename=Car_details_%s.xls' % today

            return response 




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