*hi there* *this section is converting database table to excel file.* *problem is when converting database table to excel file (it is containing 6400 [six thousand four hundred] rows) it is spending more than 10 minutes.* *that is very slow. is there any idea to make more faster. Help me*
*CODE:* * * if request.GET.has_key('excel') : if request.GET['excel'] == "true": qs = CarDetails.objects.all().order_by(sord + sidx) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet(u'CarDetails') labels = [u"型式", u"車名", u"車輌詳細コード",u'車体形状',u"類別区分番号",u"車輌重量諸元",u"全長", u"全幅",u"全高",u"用途",u"形状",u"原動機型式",u"総排気量",u"営・自家用区分", u"乗車定員",u"最大積載量",u"車輌総重量",u"燃料の種類",u"乗車定員括弧",u"最大積載量括弧", u"ローター数",u"燃料種類",u"燃料種類括弧 その他"] ws.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 22, u'車輌マスター管理', get_title_style()) label_style = get_label_style2() for i in range(len(labels)) : ws.write(1, i, labels[i], label_style) ws.col(0).width = get_computed_width(-30) # by pixel ws.col(1).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(2).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(3).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(4).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(5).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(6).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(7).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(8).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(9).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(10).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(11).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(12).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(13).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(14).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(15).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(16).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(17).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(18).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(19).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(20).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(21).width = get_computed_width(150) ws.col(22).width = get_computed_width(150) today = datetime.strftime(datetime.today(),"%Y-%m-%d") rown = 2 simple_style = get_simple_style() for list in qs : car_maker_code = "" car_maker = "" car_name2 = "" tax = "" model = "" car_name = "" name = "" body = "" class_type_number = "" weight = "" length = "" width = "" height = "" usage = "" view_type = "" motor_type = "" totol_piston_cc = "" is_own = "" human_size = "" kg_size = "" totol_weight = "" fuel_type = "" human_size_kakko = "" kg_size_kakko = "" rotor_number = "" fuel_type_kakko = "" fuel_type_kakko_sonota = "" if list.model: model = list.model if list.carname: car_name = list.carname if list.name: name = list.name if list.body: body = list.body if list.class_type_number: class_type_number = list.class_type_number if list.weight: weight = list.weight if list.length: length = list.length if list.width: width = list.width if list.height: height = list.height if list.usage: usage = list.get_usage_display() if list.view_type: view_type = list.view_type if list.motor_type: motor_type = list.motor_type if list.totol_piston_cc: totol_piston_cc = list.totol_piston_cc if list.is_own: is_own = list.get_is_own_display() if list.human_size: human_size = list.human_size if list.kg_size: kg_size = list.kg_size if list.totol_weight: totol_weight = list.totol_weight if list.fuel_type: fuel_type = list.get_fuel_type_display() if list.human_size_kakko: human_size_kakko = list.human_size_kakko if list.kg_size_kakko: kg_size_kakko = list.kg_size_kakko if list.rotor_number: rotor_number = list.rotor_number if list.fuel_type_kakko: fuel_type_kakko = list.fuel_type_kakko if list.fuel_type_kakko_sonota: fuel_type_kakko_sonota = list.fuel_type_kakko_sonota ws.write(rown, 0, unicode(model), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 1, unicode(car_name), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 2, unicode(name), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 3, unicode(body), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 4, unicode(class_type_number), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 5, unicode(weight), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 6, unicode(length), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 7, unicode(width), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 8, unicode(height), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 9, unicode(usage), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 10, unicode(view_type), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 11, unicode(motor_type), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 12, unicode(totol_piston_cc), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 13, unicode(is_own), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 14, unicode(human_size), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 15, unicode(kg_size), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 16, unicode(totol_weight), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 17, unicode(fuel_type), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 18, unicode(human_size_kakko), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 19, unicode(kg_size_kakko), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 20, unicode(rotor_number), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 21, unicode(fuel_type_kakko), simple_style) ws.write(rown, 22, unicode(fuel_type_kakko_sonota), simple_style) rown += 1 result = StringIO() wb.save(result) result.seek(0) response = HttpResponse(result.read(), mimetype='application/ms-excel') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Car_details_%s.xls' % today return response *thanks* -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. 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