Hi all,

I'm trying to pass a ValidationError as a string to a template, but I
can't seem to determine where to find the 'special key' that is
referred to in the documentation here:


Any ValidationError raised by Model.clean() will be stored under a
special key that is used for errors that are tied to the entire model
instead of to a specific field. You can access these errors with

Here's my snippet of code:

                        except ValidationError, e:
                                errormsg = e.invalid[NON_FIELD_ERRORS]
                                form = EditPerson()
                                return render_to_response('personentry.html', { 
'form' : form,
'errormsg': errormsg  },context_instance=RequestContext(request))

The error is being thrown when when making an invalid entry into a
DateField.  Using the code above, if I make:
erromsg = e

I get:

[u'Invalid date: month must be in 1..12']
[u'Enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.']

Are two examples, depending on what is passed to the model on
How can I find out what the 'special key' is ?

Any ideas?

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