I get the following error whenever I try to go to the index screen of
a new app. I've started:

ViewDoesNotExist at /mymedia/
Tried index in module mymedia.views. Error was: 'module' object has no
attribute 'Text'

I've not been able to see or find anything obvious in my urls.py at
either the project or app. level. index is actually a coded view in my
mymedia.views file. So what else can I do or try to figure out where
the problem is? Here are the urls for the project:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^mymedia/', include('mymedia.urls')),
    (r'^mediaadmin/', include('mediaadmin.urls')),
    (r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

and here they are for the mymedia app:

urlpatterns = patterns('mymedia.views',
    (r'^$', 'index'),
    (r'^logout/$', 'logout_view'),

and here are the views from mymedia.views:

def index(request):
    dctnry = {}
    message = "My Media Site under contstruction!..."
    logouturl = "/mymedia/logout/"
    logouttext = "Logout?"
    title = "My Media Index Screen"
    dctnry['title'] = title
    dctnry['logouturl'] = logouturl
    dctnry['logouttext'] = logouttext
    dctnry['message'] = message
    return render_to_response('mymedia/index.html', dctnry )

def logout_view(request):
    username = request.user.username
    dctnry = {}
    confirmmessage = "User " + username + " Has been Successfully
logged out of the My Media Application..."
    dctnry['title'] = title
    dctnry['confirmmessage'] = confirmmessage
    return render_to_response('mymedia/confirm.html',

I would appreciate any help I can get on this. Thanks.

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