Alex ...

You're not going to be able to trick your host into loading mod_wsgi from an
.htaccess file -- Apache doesn't allow the load directives in .htaccess

While mod_python is not supported, and it has a large number of open issues,
there aren't any specific security holes you really need to worry about; I'm
using mod_python on a project at work because mod_wsgi isn't supported in
our deployment environment.  I wouldn't recommend mod_python as the
direction for all future work, but it will get the job done until you can
get mod_wsgi deployed with your host (or move to another host).

See my earlier post from today (look for Re: running projects on the back of
a base URL and having issues with the homepage) for more details about
making mod_wsgi work with VirtualEnv.  The apache script for mod_python is
similar to the one I posted earlier ; the only differences involve making
certain that you chdir to your project directory, and that you import the
Django mod_python handler.

The mod_python configuration is significantly different from the mod_wsgi
configuration, and look like this:

<Location "/">
  SetHandler python-program
  PythonPath "[ '/data/web/foo/apache', ] + sys.path"
  PythonHandler django_mp
  PythonInterpreter foo

  Alias /static/ /data/web/foo/site/foo/static/
  <Location /static/>
    SetHandler None

In this case, mp_python represents /data/web/foo/apache/, which
is my script to deal with configuring the VirtualEnv environment and then
starting the Django mod_python handler.  It's basically an amalgam of the
VirtualEnv script, and the mod_python startup script from
the Django documentation.

- Craig -

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 16:56, Álex González <> wrote:

> Hi guys!
> Thanks for your replies!
> My hosting is a shared hosting and I think that I can only uses mod_python
> at the moment. I can load mod_wsgi from htaccess (I test it) but I can edit
> my virtualhosts or something similar... any trick to get mod_wsgi
> up&running?
> About the virtualenv as Piotr said, some modules must be compiled, so my
> solution was create a requeriments files as he said, but include in my code
> django-registration and django-piston because the versions installed with
> pip doesn't work for me (it said me that it's the correct version, but I can
> get a actual version at bitbucket).
> Now my question is, mod_python is deprecated but it's dangerous to use it
> for a months (until I get money to migrate the code to a non-shared
> hosting?). And the old question: can I trick the hosting to use mod_wsgi if
> I can load it from htaccess?
> Thanks!
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 19:49, Ovnicraft <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Álex González <>wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I'm using virtualenv with --no-site-packages and now I like to do a
>>> deployment of my app... I'm using a sharing hosting, can I uypload all my
>>> enviroment dir (with the packages installed with pip) to the server and use
>>> them?
>>> What's the better way to the deployment? mod_python, mod_wsgi, perhaps
>>> fast-cgi?
>> Remember mod_python is deprecated.
>> Regards,
>>> Thanks!
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