Hi guys!

Thanks for your replies!

My hosting is a shared hosting and I think that I can only uses mod_python
at the moment. I can load mod_wsgi from htaccess (I test it) but I can edit
my virtualhosts or something similar... any trick to get mod_wsgi

About the virtualenv as Piotr said, some modules must be compiled, so my
solution was create a requeriments files as he said, but include in my code
django-registration and django-piston because the versions installed with
pip doesn't work for me (it said me that it's the correct version, but I can
get a actual version at bitbucket).

Now my question is, mod_python is deprecated but it's dangerous to use it
for a months (until I get money to migrate the code to a non-shared
hosting?). And the old question: can I trick the hosting to use mod_wsgi if
I can load it from htaccess?


On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 19:49, Ovnicraft <ovnicr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Álex González <agonzale...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm using virtualenv with --no-site-packages and now I like to do a
>> deployment of my app... I'm using a sharing hosting, can I uypload all my
>> enviroment dir (with the packages installed with pip) to the server and use
>> them?
>> What's the better way to the deployment? mod_python, mod_wsgi, perhaps
>> fast-cgi?
> Remember mod_python is deprecated.
> Regards,
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> @agonzalezro <http://twitter.com/agonzalezro>
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> Cristian Salamea
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@agonzalezro <http://twitter.com/agonzalezro>
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