In the third case, I didn't understand why you didn't divide (his_to -
his_from) / (my_to - my_from). Bearing that in mind, this made sense in my
head, but analyze it carefully:

def match(mf,mt,hf,ht):
    mydiff = diff_in_seconds(mf,mt)
    if (mf >= hf and mt <= ht) or (mf < hf and mt > ht):
        mydiff = diff_in_seconds(mf,mt)
        hisdiff = diff_in_seconds(hf,ht)
        return min(1, hisdiff / mydiff)
        case1 = max(0, diff_in_seconds(hf, mt))
        case2 = max(0, diff_in_seconds(mf, ht))
        diff = min(case1, case2)
        return (diff / mydiff)

def diff_in_seconds(d1,d2):
    timedelta = d2 - d1
    return float(timedelta)

print match(0,100,40,90)

2010/8/5 Alexandre González <>

> I've develope a "simple" function to calculate the difference between 2
> dates, and the time that they are interpolated.
> I need it to: I arrive to a site at a hour (my_from), I go out from the
> site at a hour (my_to). Some friend arrive at the site at a hour (his_from)
> and let it at a hour (his_to)
> If I stay in the site after he arrives and before he goes out, the
> "probability" of match is 1, if I let the site after he arrives, the
> probability of match is 0... You can see the samples in the documentation.
> I need to know if this is a good way to do, and if compare all the kinds of
> matching (I've found 6). This is the code:
>     def time_match(self, my_from, my_to, his_from, his_to):
>         """
>             I've found 6 general kinds of time matching. It's better to
> explain it with graphics:
>               (my_from)--A--(my_to)
>             -------------------------
>              (his_from)--B--(his_to)
>         """
>         #    |-A-|                           |-A-|
>         # -------------------- or --------------------
>         #           |--B--|        |--B--|
>         if my_to < his_from or his_to < my_from:
>             return 0
>         #      |--A--|
>         # --------------------
>         #  |------B-------|
>         elif my_from >= his_from and my_to <= his_to:
>             return 1
>         #    |-----A-------|
>         # --------------------
>         #        |-B-|
>         elif my_from < his_from and my_to > his_to:
>             my_diff_to_reuse = diff_in_seconds(my_from, my_to)
>             diff = my_diff_to_reuse - self.diff_in_seconds(his_from,
> his_to)
>             return (diff / my_diff_to_reuse)
>         #   |---A---|
>         # --------------------
>         #       |---B---|
>         elif my_from <= his_from and my_to <= his_to:
>             diff = self.diff_in_seconds(his_from, my_to)
>             return (diff / self.diff_in_seconds(my_from, my_to))
>         #         |---A---|
>         # --------------------
>         #    |---B---|
>         elif my_from >= his_from and my_to >= his_to:
>             diff  = self.diff_in_seconds(my_from, his_to)
>             return (diff / self.diff_in_seconds(my_from, my_to))
>         # If I'm here I have a problem
>         return 0
>     def diff_in_seconds(date1, date2):
>         # Initial from:
>         timedelta = date2 - date1
>         diff = timedelta.days*24*3600 + timedelta.seconds
>         return abs(float(diff))
> Thanks!
> --
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